Wendy Lesko, Director of Christian Education

In place of a bio, Wendy respectfully submits an excerpt of a lesson written for the REBEL BEAT youth . A similar message is often  shared with the children in FRIENDS’ QUEST Sunday school.  

Some days we get all tangled up in measuring our successes and failures. We get stuck on the notion that our successes are mediocre and few and our failures .. well you know … are ginormous. These thoughts churn until we’re convinced that we are just not worthy and that our efforts though heart-felt will never be enough . Well my friends … we couldn’t be more wrong. You are a work in progress . God is not nearly finished with you yet. You are wonderfully made by the maker of the universe! Oh and that creator knows YOUR name and loves the living  stuffing out of YOU! God’s love is bigger than the sky and it’s in you and for you … and that though inconceivable… is quite true. And I will never give up on you. And I beg all of you to never give up on yourself . Love being you. For God loves you the way you are and delights in all you do. You are a glorious reflection of the love and light of sweet Jesus. And that is beautiful in every way. 

Wendy has been Director of Christian Education at Webster UCC for twenty years. She is known for her creative, hands-on approach and her energetic enthusiasm for guiding the children and youth to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus.